
Sunday, 17 May 2015

DIY Easy to Build Raised Laptop Desk Stand

This is a foldable laptop stand. Can also be used as a small table while sitting in bed.

If you work a lot of hours on your computer, your back hurts or have other issues with sitting down more than 10 hours a day, this is of interest to you.

There are many studies that say standing desks are of benefit, but standing on your legs the whole day is not practical, at least for me it gets really tiring after an hour.

So the solution is to be able to alternate working standing up and sitting down. Below is a possible solution that might work for you too.

See below the parts used for this simple build.

 Parts used: Soft wood, 4 simple hinges, a simple board that can fit my laptop, secondary monitor, extra keyboard and mouse.
Detail view of the hinge

Folded over the desk

 Bottom side, folded
 Raised position

Height comparison when standing.

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